Adelaide continues to gain personality at every turn. She's constantly chattering to herself, to Ilsa, to us. Her favorite "words" are still animal sounds (neigh, moo, bow-wow, bah, quack, oink, ee-ee-eeeee for monkey) but she's added a few others (up, bye, out, hi, hello, wow, bath, uh-oh). One of her favorite books is Night Signs for Baby. She loves to go through it and sign all the words (moon, sleepy, quiet).
Favorite activities are coloring with her crayons, pulling Ilsa's fur, reading books and pushing buttons on anything that makes noise. She often crawls over to the iPod and points to it wanting me to turn on music. We have definitely expanded our repertoire of kids' music around here! There's some really great stuff out there! Now if we can just get Dada to compose some songs and start playing out to the younger set!
We just finished up with our first Kindermusik class. I feel like it went on forever -- I had a barely sitting baby when we started and now she's so mobile. Same with all the other kids -- many more walkers than when we started. We signed up for another session of the same age group (0-18 months) starting in two weeks. We also continue to attend Book Babies at the library. She's now one of the oldest kids there! We've also been going to a preschool story time a little. They have great programming -- last week they brought dogs in for the kids to learn about.
We also had our first ER visit this week. Adelaide got into a sharp that shouldn't have been within her reach, but was. A few stitches later, she's recovering nicely. We go back next week for suture removal and a consult to make sure the injury to her nail is healing well. We're in the process of putting safety locks on all our cabinets... just a few days too late!
We've made quite a few new friends since moving into our new house! It's nice to host play dates!
Our big girl is now wearing mostly 18 month clothes. She can still squeeze into 12 month sizes, but those darn legs pop out the bottom! She's still incredibly long and lean. She's also still a good eater. She loves milk, most any green veggies, apples, anything G-ma is eating and anything with a bit of spice to it. I hope the eclectic taste continues into toddlerhood!
Adelaide is one happy little girl, which is exactly what we wish for her. She loves to play and sing and "dance." Life is good up here in the tundra!
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