Monday, September 27, 2010


Today we tried on last year's winter hats. It was a little like The Three Bears, except I'm not sure we found one that was comfortable and/or fit.

First, we tried on the hat I knit for her to match her coat from last year. (This year's coat is green. Go figure.).

Oh, mama.

Oh wait. I kinda like it.

Except, what is this string? (Guess I need to finally finish that hat.)

And, no. I don't like it!

I do like this Halloween leftover. Bow wow.

But I really like Dada's hat best.

I really like it.

1 comment:

  1. Cuteness, cuteness. I was wondering this morning as we were looking at Adelaide on the Fridge -- what are the variations on Adelaide's name as her buddies say it? I call Julia JuJus and Bits all the time -- what do you call your girl like that?
